
52 Year Old Voter = Taxes for Young


Why the Canada Pension Plan Premium hikes? Why the Carbon Taxes? Why the historic deficits (future taxes)? Why lock down businesses for a virus when 75% of deaths are in Nursing Homes? The answer is simple - the median Canadian voter is 52 years of age. Higher on the East Coast and lower on the West.  Candidates lose a fewer number of votes fiscally punishing young working people than they do older people.


The US is similar. Over half of registered voters in the US are over 50 years of age. The last time the budget was balanced, 41% of voters were over 50. Candidates were under 70 years of age then too!


Now, most voters expect to pay little Interest on debt. Paycheque taxes? Sure! We vote yes! Won't pay them for long! Snowbirds will pay less carbon tax for less years.


Unlike the beach-storming generation that balanced budgets 1 year after WWII, don't expect any balanced budgets from the Baby Bankrupters (born Baby Boomers). Altruism not in their nature.


What can a young person do to stop the demographic fiscal abuse? To free themselves from Government Debt and Pension Obligation slavery? Not much. You could vote more but younger people are showing up more than previous generations. The under 18 crowd is even smaller so expect the median age to only rise for decades.


Do not expect any taxes on home equity or any changes to the retirement age - to better reflect  lifespan increases since the 1960s- for a decade. Don't expect any cuts in government spending at all.  The Baby Bankrupters will ensure they live the easiest life in the history of humanity! They get "free" stuff and big wages/pensions - e.g. education and health - and you get debt.


As young people are tearing down statues of enslavers from hundreds of years ago, it is safe to assume that no memorial will stand from direct enslavers – grave site or otherwise. Naive to think the only recourse will not be exercised.  The Baby Bankrupters will be powerless to stop this of course but they will only slightly care less than they do now!



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